File personality

Wincaps Q4 allows you to create subtitles in a variety of formats suitable for broadcast or display in a number of video standards. The combination of subtitle type and video standard in Wincaps Q4 is defined as the File Personality. According to the chosen personality, Wincaps Q4 adapts its interface and screen layout to provide the necessary tools and functions to work successfully with it.   


The available subtitle formats are:

For a Wincaps Q4 (W32) file, the personality of a subtitle file is normally determined by the customer template applied when the files is created.  If the personality is not defined in the template then the new file will default to Open Caption.


For a Q-Live (N32) file created via Q-News, the file personality is configured in Q-News.


You can change the personality of an existing file via the File Properties->Personality button in the Toolbox.  

See Also:

File basics

Import and insert basics

Line21 conversion